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My Journey

As an Auckland, New Zealand-based artist, I was always a doodler, loved drawing as a child and painting at school. I remember winning a colouring contest for a local paper and my prize was a paint set. Christmas came early that year!

Alongside a career in education and a busy family life, the world of making art was always a beating rhythm in my heart. Some study courses, firstly in the UK and later in New Zealand, led to four years of study at Browne School of Art, exploring and expanding my art voice.

My inspiration comes from the natural world we live in and is innately and mysteriously informed by my connection to my Creator. It is this happy place that refreshes and stirs me, but also serves as a reminder of the transitory nature of the world around us.

I look for interesting patterns, texture, shape and colours in scenes that reflect or suggest a journey, that hint of inter-connectedness, even eternity. Abstracting these elements playfully and open-mindedly, I look for ways to portray unity, the bonds and threads of life that join us all, that reference our past, and to encourage questions about our place in our ever-changing world.

Kristine McLaren artist portrait


2022 : Browne School of Art, end of year exhibition


2021: Browne School of Art, end of year exhibition
        : Place: A Landscape Show, July exhibition


2020 : Browne School of Art, end of year exhibition

2019 : Browne School of Art, end of year exhibition

© 2023 by Kristine McLaren. Powered and secured by Wix

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